I am going to guess that most everyone has taken time at some point in life to meet a friend or colleague to talk about mutual interests over coffee or a meal. In 2017 as a new commissioner, I wanted to create an informal setting where I could talk with folks around the county and […]
Continue ReadingOur emergency services teams are dedicated and ready to help! Help them do their best by using the best channel for finding out about road conditions when we have a snow situation as we did today, January 19, 2024 – see Ben’s video tip!
Continue ReadingI always like to start with the short answer. The short answer is yes, floodplains are regulated in Perry County. Regarding who regulates? The floodplains within the unincorporated areas are regulated by the Perry County Commissioners; for the areas within village corporation limits, that regulation authority falls on the village council.
Continue ReadingHere is a question from a Perry County resident and business owner about property tax rates in Perry County. – Ben Carpenter, Perry County Commissioner How and why are our property taxes being raised so much? Are we being compared to bigger cities? Southern Perry County taxes are ridiculous!! Especially us being so low-income families, […]
Continue ReadingI received a thoughtful set of questions from someone who works for a public safety team here in Perry County. Here are the questions and my responses. – Ben Carpenter, Perry County Commissioner Do you have any ideas for upgrades to the dispatching system? The Perry County Commissioners approved a complete upgrade to our County […]
Continue ReadingI have always said I am a textbook “introvert.” An introvert is a person whose personality is typically reserved or quiet, who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone. Introverts gain energy through solitude and quiet. My dear departed mother on the other hand could talk with anyone on any topic, and silence […]
Continue ReadingThe Perry County Board of Commissioners meets every Wednesday. The meetings start at 9:00 am with some weekly paperwork as part of continuous operation and the business of running the County. Appointments for people to come in and address the Board “on the record” begin at 9:30 am each Wednesday and continue until finished, so […]
Continue ReadingThe Perry County Board of Commissioners is just that, a three-member board. This is unlike the Office of the County Recorder where a single, elected official oversees and is solely responsible for decisions within that office. Within the office of the Perry County Commissioners, it takes a majority vote (a minimum of two votes) to take […]
Continue ReadingThis is a common question. I am going to start with some official Ohio Revised Code (ORC) language that will possibly generate even more questions! A Perry County Commissioner’s Role in County Government Commissioners are elected to a four-year term and are given specific, limited authority by the Ohio revised code. The Board of Commissioners […]
Continue ReadingThe short answer is no. To go a bit more in depth, let me answer this question by addressing both township roads and county roads. The County Engineer is an elected official overseeing county roads. The Township Trustees are elected officials overseeing their township roads. Perry County Commissioners have no authority over the County Engineer […]
Continue ReadingNotifications